Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Just to make sure, Sem Proj

Hello, I'm sure all of you have forgotten about the seminar project by now and are busy working on your essays!!! Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that I have everyone's full names (spelt correctly) and assigned to the correct portion of the paper. Please let me know ASAP whether or not I need to change anything. Thanks, Ashleigh

Group One: Purposeful Art.


Marcy Koopmans, Wendy Warkentin, Maja Gacic


Group Two: Graphic Morality: A Compilation of Articles Analyzing the Morality of the Graphic Novel.


Teresa T____?___, Victoria Mau, Shamez Virandi, Elise McPherson


Group Three: On Intertexttuality.


Caitlyn Burke, Kalervo Sinervo, Joseph Cvjetkovic, Yilun Jiang,

Sonia Dhaliwal, Kelvie Hanson


Group Four: Stratification of Artistic Medium.


Candice___?____, Michelle Hoffman, Sarah Mah, Heather Briggs


Group Five: Level of Complexity vs. Level of Junk.


Brianna Lewis, Candice___?____, Mary___?____

Ps- who is Simon______ and what part are you doing???

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Putting it all together - Seminar Project

Hey everyone, hope that most of you didn't get too discouraged when you couldn't find my email earlier (please send it soon!!!). I just wanted to add that I really need everyone's full name or at least last first name & last initial so that I can put it on our title page and make sure that you all get credit for your parts. Don't worry, I'm not a stalker & I promise I won't look you up on facebook!
Can't wait to receive the rest of your papers, thanks, Ashleigh.

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Ashleigh's email

Hey guys, I just checked the blog & noticed that my post didn't show up. So sorry, I'm going to try it again...
Re: Ashleigh's email address:
Hello, here's my email so that you can all send me your portion of the project. Please write "Eng 383" or something along those lines so that I know who you are. Also, please include your full name somewhere on you paper so that I can document it within the project to show that everyone's completed their parts. As well, I'm not quite sure how everyone's going to present their group's portion, so, whoever is in charge of doing the smaller intros & conclusions for each aspect of our topic can you please include a title to go along with it so that I can group things together better. Of course, that means that each person within the smaller groups should also include that title somewhere on the paper so that I know which one is which.
Thanks and good luck, Ashleigh.

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